Mike Denis, MEd. R. Psych. #4192
Divorce Counselling provides encouragement to focus on the future that you want for yourself and, if you are a parent, the future you want for your children.
Divorce/Separation & Grief/Loss Therapy
Grief & Loss therapy provides support when experiencing loss, betrayal, loneliness, and similar emotions related to the loss of a family, loved one, or friendships.
Mask Psychological Services Ltd.
Mike Denis, R.Psych. #4192
We specialize in helping either an individual family member or can include grief and adjustment counselling for children experiencing separating parents.
With over 15 years experience helping separating parents, children with separating parents, and teaching Parenting After Separation (PAS) and Focus on Communication in Separation (FOCIS), we understand and can help with moving towards healing and restructuring.